Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fine idea from Fine Gael

As we have learned this week, Fine Gael parliamentary party meetings
can be quite the lively occasion.

Apart from the Battle of the Blondes (Kenny v Creighton), it seems
that some TDs are actually thinking outside the box when it comes to
getting their message across.

The Gold Star for this endeavour this week goes to South Kerry TD Tom
Sheahan for his suggestion to RTE bosses to fill the gap being left by
the demise of Q&A - a new series entitled ‘The Backbenchers’.

The programme, he believes, could be an excellent replacement for Q&A
and could feature selected backbenchers from the different parties -
as well as Senators - to give their tuppenceworth on the weekly
political events.

Now that Pat Kenny will be taking the helm of a new current affairs
show to replace Q&A, we will be sure to pass the suggestion on.

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